The fifth metatarsal bone runs from the mid-foot to the base of small toe. The end of the fifth metatarsal is felt as the bump over the outside part of the mid-foot and is very prone to injury.
There are three types of fractures that may occur:
Avulsion Fractures: The tip of the bone is pulled off the fifth metatarsal by the tendon that attaches to this region. Heals well in a cast. Surgery is not usually necessary.
Jones Fractures: Occurs just beyond the avulsion fractures. They are more difficult to heal. Most often must be immobilized with protection from weight (use of crutches). May require surgery.
Stress Fractures: Most difficult to heal, may require surgery. Mimics outside foot pain of tendonitis. Over time, can become a complete break.
Preventing Foot Blisters
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