Fitting Kids
Even though the life of children’s footwear is short, it is still important that shoes fit properly and provide adequate support. Have your child’s feet measured properly. Not from the shoe stocker at the mall, but a professional that knows what to look for. Try to find a certified pedorothist in your area. Make sure they will be using a Children’s Brannock Device to take the measurements. Also, they should be measured in the seated and upright positions. Measurements can vary from a half size to a full size, depending on position. Their width should also be checked.
Here’s what to look for:
1 Wide toe box for the front part of the foot.
2 Stiff heel.
3 Good arch support. Even sandals need a modicum of arch support. Never, never buy flat soled sandals. Also, clogs, due to their wooden construction, have zero cushioning. The foot is not secured to the clog, placing more stress on the plantar fascia.
4 Look for a thumb’s width between the big toe and the end of the shoe.
5 Properly fit shoes can help your child avoid plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinitis, bunions, and neuromas.
Replace shoes regularly. Every shoe has its limits. Everyday shoes can last 100 to 200 miles. Better shoes can last 400 miles. Remember, if your kids are active, the miles tick by quicker than you think. Care for their feet and their feet will take care of them……..
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